IQ Profiler
Quick Mount:
A quarter-turn of a screwdriver in the back housing’s mounting disk and the unit embeds itself in any corner in under a minute, with innovative self-projecting, fast anchoring wall pins
Quick Wire:
Snap-Down terminal strips for connecting wires with no screws to fasten. Just insert stripped wires in each and snap down (speaker-jack style).
Advanced PIR with IQ Look
With its advanced ASIC PIR technology and so many innovative features, the IQ Vision is sure to be a reliable component in any security system, large or small. Among its innovative features is a range of 40’ x 40’, and 30lb. pet immunity, which is great for false alarm protection for small pets, like cats and dogs. The IQ Vision also has a sealed sensor chamber to prevent insects, and dust from interfering with the sensor. With an attractive two-tone bi-optic case, the IQ Vision adds designer appeal to match any location. The IQ Vision will greatly reduce false alarms, and is an asset to any alarm system.
- Keypads
- Gem-Touch
- DK Series: with flip up door
- GEMK1CA: alphamumeric
- GEMK2AS: alphanumeric/symbol
- GEMK3DGTL: digital
- GEMK4RF: 32 point RF receiver
- GEMRP1CAe2: alphanumeric
- GEMK1VPS: talking alphanumeric
- GEMRP2ASe2: alphanumeric/symb.
- GEMRP3DGTL: digital
- GEMRP8LCD: custom alphanumeric
- GEMRP8/K800: economical
- IQ Profiler
- C100 Series
- Commercial
- Wireless PIR
- Window/Door Transmitter
- Keyfobs
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